Posts with the tag
low calorie

Eating more fruit is one of the hallmarks of the Mediterranean lifestyle. If you are like me, you sometimes get stuck in a fruit rut – apples, oranges, and the occasional banana. I love all fruit but just get in fruit jags that don’t make my fruit eating very exciting. Enter kiwi. I love kiwi… Continue reading »

I absolutely love my after-lunch yogurt with berries!  I consider this my “healthy little dessert” that doesn’t have a lot of sugar…or so I thought. As I have been trying to cut back on my added sugar overall, I took a closer look at the sources of added sugar in my diet.  It turns out… Continue reading »

Recording Now Available Steps to Eating the Med Way: Rethink Your Sweets Nutrition Decisions Mini-Series: Steps to Eating the Med Way: Rethink Your Sweets The response to the first Med Instead of Meds webinar was overwhelming and we want to give you the tools you need to Go Med AND answer all of your questions. As you… Continue reading »

Free Mediterranean Diet Webinar Steps to Eating the Med Way: Rethink Your Sweets Nutrition Decisions Mini Series: Steps to Eating the Med Way: Rethink Your Sweets The response to the first Med Instead of Meds webinar was overwhelming and we want to give you the tools you need to Go Med AND answer all of your questions.… Continue reading »

  I try to eat oatmeal twice a week for breakfast. It is a great way to get whole grains and, topped with blueberries or strawberries, I get a serving of fruit before I am even out the door. I love the taste, texture, and satiety of steel cut oats. What I don’t love is… Continue reading »

It’s that time of year again! Where love is in the air. Hearts are all around. Everywhere you go is decorated in various shades of reds and pinks. The grocery stores are loaded with all kinds of stuffed animals and flowers. Oh, and who can forget those isles filled with chocolatey treats. Everyone wants to… Continue reading »

I have a three-pronged problem: I want to eat healthy, I hate to cook, and I’m lazy. I was going to say “busy,” but I will own “lazy.” I am also a science fiction fan. My favorite part of the movie is not when they defeat the hostile aliens, but when the crew gathers around… Continue reading »

Webinar Recording Now Available Nutrition Decisions Mini Series: Steps to Eating the Med Way The response to the first Med Instead of Meds webinar was overwhelming. We want to give you the tools you need to Go Med AND answer all of your questions. As you know, the Mediterranean-style eating pattern has been shown to… Continue reading »

When it comes to holiday food, I grew up with a ‘love-love’ relationship. Traditions of the season meant indulging in once-a-year specialties– from Aunt Bonnie’s pies and Racine Kringle to making homemade pizza with Aunt Bev. I eat very differently now from even a decade ago. There are many reasons for this, ranging from food… Continue reading »

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holiday of the year. Family, fun, and FOOD! What’s not to love about that?! I try to keep the flavors of Thanksgiving dinner last for as long as possible, but of unfortunately next day turkey can be little dry. The ordinary turkey sandwich is boring. So, my one of… Continue reading »