Posts with the tag
healthy snacks

I absolutely love my after-lunch yogurt with berries!  I consider this my “healthy little dessert” that doesn’t have a lot of sugar…or so I thought. As I have been trying to cut back on my added sugar overall, I took a closer look at the sources of added sugar in my diet.  It turns out… Continue reading »

The Mediterranean Diet continues to be supported by the medical community, and as a result, continues to increase in popularity. In fact, it was recently featured on CNN and the U.S. News rated it a top diet of 2016.  The Mediterranean-style eating pattern has been shown to promote health and decrease risk of many chronic diseases. Eating… Continue reading »

This is my very fabulous American Bulldog, Ruckus! I am sharing his picture not just because he is cute, but because he is the reason why I generally don’t get to bring food to holiday gatherings.  My family is old school African American and people who have indoor pets and bring food are considered a… Continue reading »

Happy Birthday, America! 4th of July Weekend is upon us, and that means cookouts, family, and celebrations. How do you continue to eat smart at a potluck? Or when there is an apple pie staring at you? Here are a few tips (and healthy 4th of July recipes!). Don’t go to the cookout, potluck, or… Continue reading »

Summer is here! That means lots of fabulous options at the farmers’ market with fresh fruits and vegetables galore. And blueberries. There is nothing quite like the sweet taste of fresh summer berries. And now I was in need of something to do with all these blueberries. After visiting two of my favorite resources for… Continue reading »

  Have you noticed that each decade that passes holds new possibilities? Well it’s the same with foods and giving your body the right nutrients for success. If you are in your 20’s, this is the time for young women to build bone. Women should be getting as much calcium as they can (about 1,000… Continue reading »

Is there anything better than toasted bread? Toast in the morning, toast at dinner, toast most anytime for me, a true toast lover. How do you get your toast fix and still stay true to your Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less lifestyle? Here is a simple two-step process for having your toast and eating… Continue reading »

Anyone ever assigned or sentenced to spending her or his work life in a 6’ x 8’ cube has probably experienced the challenges of unhealthy in such a transparent and publically open environment. Unlike their traditional closed office cousins, work cubes have no doors to restrict the flow of unwanted visitors, no windows to welcome… Continue reading »

5The “Check the Facts” lesson was principally about paying attention to nutrition labels. I went into the week determined to scrutinize the labels on the “inner aisles” of the grocery store, where I had been warned some time ago to enter with care.  The outer aisles are the healthy ones — or at least the… Continue reading »

According to a new study by The Center for Science and Public Interest, healthy food options do not cost more than unhealthy food options. Fruits and vegetables are nutritious AND affordable. Most Americans do not eat the recommended amounts of fruit and vegetables and one reason for this is because of the belief that fruits and vegetables are more… Continue reading »