
Is Trader Joe’s Sprouted Bread Still King?

I have blogged before about the best bread – Trader Joe’s Sprouted Wheat. It was the best bread until a new formula appeared in their bread aisle. When I asked Joe why he changed his bread it had to do with warehouse being too far away from the producer, changing producers, original recipe proprietary to original baker, blah blah blah. The bottom like was my favorite bread had changed. It didn’t’ taste as good, slices were not uniform, and, worst of all, it now had a different nutrition profile. Not terrible, but different. This sent me in search of a new bread. The table below tells the story of my search. The bottom line is that the Trader Joe Sprouted Wheat still beats out the competition, in my opinion. This, however, does not stop me from emailing Trader Joe’s (which I have done multiple times) to ask them to PLEASE make nice with the original baker and get our bread back to normal. I encourage you to do the same. In the meantime, let me know if you think your bread could take Trader Joe’s Sprouted Wheat in a head to head nutrition and taste.



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3 comments on “Is Trader Joe’s Sprouted Bread Still King?

  1. Jennifer on

    I live in Nashville, TN. I was so sad to see the formula changed. I came home to Michigan for the holidays and the Trader Joes here has the original. They know nothing about the change. The only thing she thought was a distribution issue. She said Tennessee was the cutoff. So, it may depend on what region of the states you live in to be able to get the original bread. Sure was happy to have it again. I will be bringing many loaves back with me

    • Madi Johnson on

      That’s so interesting that it might be a regional issue. You are lucky to have another location to stock up- hopefully the more people talk about it, the more motivated they are to go back to the old recipe. Thank you for sharing! 🙂

  2. Carolyn Dunn on

    I spoke with the manager at the Raleigh Trader Joes. They indicated that they had to switch distributors. When they did, the old distributor’s recipe was proprietary thus had to be reformulated. Good for you for finding the good old recipe!


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