
How to Have a Great Workout After Work

If you have an after-work workout or walk scheduled, do you find yourself starting to think about it starting around 2pm? Research shows that even those that end up keeping their commitment to an afternoon workout, can have negative thoughts leading up to the event. I’m too tired, I have too much to do, it’s too cold (or hot).

Women Exercising on Treadmills at Health Club

Know that these thoughts to push off your activity to another day are normal. When you have these negative thoughts about being active, quickly turn your attention to the positive aspects of your workout as well. Don’t let the negative thoughts be the only ones running around in your head. Think about how you will feel after you are finished, the fact that it is only 1 hour out of your day, it may even allow for you to catch up with a family member or friend if you have a workout buddy. Tell yourself that you just have to take the first step to being active and the rest will fall into place. Drive to the gym, put on your walking shoes, call your workout buddy – whatever the first step to being active for you is – do it. Don’t let the sometimes-negative thoughts that can cloud our commitment win.

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