
Best Toast of 2016- The Med Way

Is there anything better than toasted bread? Toast in the morning, toast at dinner, toast most anytime for me, a true toast lover. How do you get your toast fix and still stay true to your Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less lifestyle? Here is a simple two-step process for having your toast and eating smart.

  • First, choose the right bread. I suggest Trader Joe’s Sprouted 7 Grain Bread. It only has 60 calories per slice and 5 grams of protein, thanks to the sprouted grains used. It also tastes great. Comes in rye too if that is for you.cathy-bread
  • Second, skip the butter, margarine, or other spread. Use olive oil instead. Now, here is the best part yet. Grill it. Grilling it using olive oil not only increases your consumption of good fat; it is the most delicious toast you will ever eat. Spread 1 teaspoon of olive oil on each piece of bread and grill in a hot pan. It needs some weight to make it really crunchy. You can use a grill press (see picture) or a heavy pan. If you are like me and fall in love with this toasting method, it is well worth the investment to get a grill press. A counter-top grill (think George Forman) would work as well. This is what I call – toast the Med way, thanks to the Mediterranean influence of the olive oil. Give it a try and reply to this blog to let us know what you think.

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