
“That’s right, 34 lbs in one summer!”

I didn’t know that June 2nd would change my life, but it did. That was the night of my very first East Smart, Move More, Weigh Less class. Since that night I have become very mindful of everything I put in my mouth and the exercise I get each day. Without the lessons and tools provided by Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less I would not have lost 34 lbs during my first 15 week session.  That’s right, 34lbs in one summer!  I have gone down 4 sizes and feel phenomenal. I celebrated my weight loss by signing up for another 15 week course, and of course shopping!

I know some of you may be thinking that this was just beginners luck. Let me set the record straight. I have struggled with weight since childhood and have been diagnosed as morbidly obese my entire adult life. I have tried just about every “program” out there. I also turned to weight loss surgery in 2004. Although my surgery was initially successful, due to complications the procedure needed to be reversed and I very quickly gained back the 100 lbs I had lost. This of course did not do well for my outlook on my weight and losing this extra person I was carrying around. I was looking into having a different surgical procedure earlier this year, but faced with the costs associated with it I found myself feeling hopeless. I then came across a brochure on Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less and figured why not give it a try. Not to mention I could do it online and choose a class time to fit my life.

During my first class I remember thinking, “I can follow this, it’s not complicated and it’s pretty straightforward.” I knew my biggest hurdle was going to be the moving more part. I hated exercise and was dreading that component. After the third week of classes I decided I needed to start moving. I started with walking half a mile every other day. This doesn’t sound like a lot, but to me it was a marathon. Fast forward 15 weeks and I am up to three and a half miles, 6 days a week. I wake up every morning actually wanting to exercise.

I have a long way to go, but as long as I stick with my goals and commitment and hope that next summer I can say I am no longer morbidly obese.



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