Posts with the tagRaleigh
The photo shows two cards received simultaneously in late January 2017—one on the left is from Raleigh Crossfit and the one on the right is from the Alexander Family YMCA, also a Raleigh fitness institution. Both cards signify communities that look after my heart(s); yes, that last word is plural. We all know from heart… Continue reading »
I have been aware, through my work, of the relationship between the built environment and health for a while now. We collaborate with other organizations to increase access to places for physical activity (e.g., parks and greenways), and support communities’ work to develop transportation plans that promote biking and walking. I believe that this is… Continue reading »
Joe is the Director of Benefits at NC State University and participated in the Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less program over the summer. We are honored to share Joe’s story. Congratulations, Joe! How I Learned to Eat Smart and Move More On a recent vacation, my wife and I stayed at an all-inclusive resort.… Continue reading »
Take another look at that photo used recently in my blog entry about Olympic lifting and my love/hate relationship with those movements! You may just spot one of my favorite coaches, Amber, in the background. She is one of my favorite label-making supporters! Let me explain please. When in a CrossFit box (gym), you become… Continue reading »
Take a look at photo. Yes, I can clean and jerk with the best of them. No, I don’t claim to be one of the best of them— take a look at the Summer Olympics in Rio and you’ll clearly see that I’m not in the elite category of weightlifters. Hey, 99.99999% of us are… Continue reading »
Although I love every aspect of my garden (my first garden blog told you all about that) and every fruit, vegetable, or herb I pick off a stem, there can still be a favorite. Before I share my favorite, I want to share a few of our “wow” moments so far. This is what makes… Continue reading »
Along came Rusty! Ok, his name was Banjo at the Wake County SPCA, but he and I had a little chat on the fateful April day we adopted him three months after our final farewell to TJ-the-Wonderdog of almost-18-yrs! { My partner had been promised three years of freedom from canines, yet three months was… Continue reading »
I’m always up for a great challenge. Thus, a bar-time (yes, that type) in downtown Raleigh recently had me discussing a myriad of exercise opportunities with a CrossFit pal’s wife one night. She presented me with an interesting challenge, indeed! I was invited to participate as her guest in a local Raleigh Barre class on a… Continue reading »
I didn’t want to title this blog “How to Start a Garden” because that already sounds too complicated. I don’t have time. I don’t know how to “garden”. I don’t have a green thumb. But I know vegetables need soil, water and sunlight. So let’s start there! Two years ago, I started with a small… Continue reading »
No, I’m not advocating a handstand pushup anytime soon in your life, but when you’re moving toward a certain milestone birthday, you may wish to set some S.M.A.R.T. fitness goals that you never dreamed of hitting! Thus, I decided last Spring (2015) to do a handstand pushup before I was __0 {look at blog title if… Continue reading »