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When I was a very young child, I lived with my grandparents in a very remote countryside in Southeast Asia. A place full of green hills and fruit trees, it was in this beautiful setting that I fell madly in love with the beauty of nature. A few times a week, in comfortable shoes and… Continue reading »

We are thrilled to announce our guest blogger for the day, Heather. Heather recently completed the Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less class and she shares her journey back to doing what she loves. Way to go Heather! I started the Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less program because I had a little boy in September… Continue reading »

There’s nothing that will get me out of bed like these friendly faces. These two bundles of doggie joy have done more for getting me up and moving in the mornings than anything and anyone else. And now that everyone’s bladders have grown a bit, and I get to sleep in past 5 am on… Continue reading »

We welcome back our Holiday Challenge participant and guest blogger, Kimberly, for an update on her new physical activity routine. Not all types of exercise are a perfect fit for everyone. Keep trying new classes or types of exercise until you find the ones you love. What IS the perfect workout? The one you love to… Continue reading »

Some people call diabetes, sugar – as in, “I have a touch of sugar” or “I lost my leg to the sugar.” I think the reference to sugar is easier to process than the more formal term—diabetes. Either way, diabetes, or “the sugar,” is heavily entwined in weight management. Although I have always struggled with… Continue reading »

The lesson on eating breakfast was a great reinforcement for me on my contention — en“grained” in me from an early age — that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.   I don’t think in my entire 66+ years of life, I have missed breakfast more than maybe 10 times.  And when I… Continue reading »

Fall is in the air, kids are back in school and fall sports are in full swing.  Kids are catching pop flies on the baseball field, dribbling down the soccer field to score the winning goal, and running out to catch the perfect pass from the quarter back.   I love this time of year!  My… Continue reading »

In case you missed the webinar last Friday, the recording is now available! We had a great turn out with 160 people in attendance from across the US. Thank you all for attending and we hope to see you at the next webinar on November 20th: STRESS. To sign up for the next webinar, see… Continue reading »

Hey ladies, this pertains to you! Wednesday September 30th, 2015 is National Women’s Health & Fitness Day. So what does this mean? National Women’s Health & Fitness Day is the nation’s largest annual health promotion event for women of all ages, this unique national program with participation by local organizations throughout the U.S.—focuses attention on… Continue reading »

The Move More lesson from this week left me with three distinct thoughts, which then combined to become my revised strategy for the week…and, I hope for the rest of my life.  And, it just so happens that they all end in “ate,” which seems appropriate for this program 🙂 They are: Concentrate Companionate Celebrate And,… Continue reading »