Posts with the tag

I’ve been advocating more physical activity in my classes lately ( online and onsite ) for the pure joy of movement without associated technological gadgets. Wow, did that ever come into play for my safety during a recent trip to the coast. While refusing to wear my Nike Run Watch or carry my iPhone during weekend… Continue reading »

It’s March – How are things going with your healthy goals for the year? Here are 6 moves to help you keep motivated. Change a Password Pick an Account you use frequently and change the password. I have used words like Healthier, Mindful, Exercise, Breathe, Relax, Ignore the Excuses, and other words to remind me… Continue reading »

The photo shows two cards received simultaneously in late January 2017—one on the left is from Raleigh Crossfit and the one on the right is from the Alexander Family YMCA, also a Raleigh fitness institution. Both cards signify communities that look after my heart(s); yes, that last word is plural. We all know from heart… Continue reading »

A lot can happen in 15 weeks. Your whole life can change. Start 2017 with a new focus on YOU. One hour a week. Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less is a 15-week online weight management program delivered in an interactive real-time format with a live instructor. It’s NOT a diet – it’s a lifestyle. Classes are accessible… Continue reading »

Feed a cold starve a fever – wait, it may be the reverse. The best medicine for colds and flu are to not get sick in the first place. Cold and flu season are here. What can you do to make sure your immune system is in tiptop shape to help you fight off all… Continue reading »

Why do you exercise? What is your motivation to break a sweat each day? Is it because you know you should walk every day to maintain a healthy weight? Did a doctor say you should exercise more since heart disease runs in your family? Maybe you heard that you should exercise to boost your mood… Continue reading »

It’s the Day After Thanksgiving! Congratulations to those who made mindful choices during the holiday meal. I know that took some planning and determination! If you are feeling discouraged today- please don’t be. Yesterday was just one day in the Holiday Challenge. It doesn’t mean that the challenge is over and you can’t be mindful… Continue reading »

The free Holiday Challenge virtual race begins this Monday, November 28th! It’s free and available for anyone to join. The best part about the virtual race across Iceland is that you’ll get to see some amazing Google Street Views. There are waterfalls after waterfalls lining the Icelandic coast. Below is a small preview.   Almost every… Continue reading »

While the end of daylight savings may set in the winter doldrums for some, the bright side (yes, pun intended) is an opportunity to switch up your exercise routine.   While the sunrise was at 7:43am, it is now at 6:44am, which means an extra hour of sunlight in the mornings.  This is great news for… Continue reading »

Why do you exercise? What is your motivation to break a sweat each day? Is it because you know you should walk every day to maintain a healthy weight? Did a doctor say you should exercise more since heart disease runs in your family? Maybe you heard that you should exercise to boost your mood… Continue reading »