
Meet Me at the Barre

I’m always up for a great challenge. Thus, a bar-time (yes, that type) in downtown Raleigh recently had me discussing a myriad of exercise opportunities with a CrossFit pal’s wife one night. She presented me with an interesting challenge, indeed!greg-barre-class

I was invited to participate as her guest in a local Raleigh Barre class on a humpday Wednesday. Barre classes mix Pilates, dance, yoga, and strength training all while using a ballet barre and repetitions of small range-of-motion movements. How could this be challenging?  After all, I do CrossFit , which surely means an hour at a ballet barre would be a piece of cake. WRONG and wrong again.

When I continue to advocate those 150 moderate aerobic minutes per week to reduce everyone’s risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, I don’t think I’ve once recommended Barre classes. That will now change. Get thee to the Barre to help you move more and move strong!

Not only did I get a full-body workout from head to toe; my heart rate came up several times with the amazing coaching from the instructor.  Bonus privilege—finding out that your Barre instructor just happens to be your next-door neighbor! Yes, community is formed each time with s t r e t c h i n g (all puns intended) ourselves to move our bodies in a unique healthy way.

So, meet me at the Barre soon please. We’ll only have a giant drink of healthy water!

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