
Eat Smart Move More Weigh Less Journeys – Jake

We are SO pumped to have guest blogger and Eat Smart Move More Weigh Less participant, Jake, share his weight loss journey and how small changes have made a big impact!

“I’ll admit, I was a bit skeptical when I embarked on my Eat Smart Move More Weigh Less journey, but on the heels of receiving a not-so-great report on my cholesterol, I figured it was about time to start listening to some folks who knew what they were talking about.



After the first lesson I was hooked.  Downloading the My Fitness Pal app – per the suggestion of my class instructor Sara– was quite literally a life changer. I had never (!) bothered looking at the back of food items prior to the download, and after seeing the calorie count on my first scanned-in IPA beer, I haven’t looked back.  Wow.

There are many classes over the course of a few months, but the topics all come back to one thing – making good decisions and forming smart habits.  I wouldn’t say I have drastically changed my life, but what I am doing now is paying attention.  Laying off the fries here, passing on the bagel there.  Things like that.  The baby steps have led to some pretty significant leaps and bounds in terms of my weight loss and generally improved my well-being.  I feel better and physically lighter on my feet.

jake-and-page-with-boysThe classes aren’t easy, but that’s the point.  The discipline you need to stick with them parallels that which you need to change your eating, exercise, and life habits.  I couldn’t recommend the series more highly.”

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