All posts by
Greg Moore

I’m always up for a great challenge. Thus, a bar-time (yes, that type) in downtown Raleigh recently had me discussing a myriad of exercise opportunities with a CrossFit pal’s wife one night. She presented me with an interesting challenge, indeed! I was invited to participate as her guest in a local Raleigh Barre class on a… Continue reading »

Being a caregiver (new phrase in life’s cycle ) has proven to be stressful beyond anything I could have possibly imagined prior to 2016. I wrote candidly last year for Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less about physical activity with my parents, not realizing that this physical activity would become even more minimal at the… Continue reading »

No, I’m not advocating a handstand pushup anytime soon in your life, but when you’re moving toward a certain milestone birthday, you may wish to set some S.M.A.R.T. fitness goals that you never dreamed of hitting! Thus, I decided last Spring (2015) to do a handstand pushup before I was __0 {look at blog title if… Continue reading »