
Heels Over Head at 49+

No, I’m not advocating a handstand pushup anytime soon in your life, but when you’re moving toward a certain milestone birthday, you may wish to set some S.M.A.R.T. fitness goals that you never dreamed of hitting! Thus, I decided last Spring (2015) to do a handstand pushup before I was __0 {look at blog title if you must know}!greg-handstand-2-rotated-768x1024

Suffice it to say, I’d never dream of setting this goal had it not been for my two fitness communities: The Alexander Family YMCA and Raleigh Crossfit. Recently, Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less introduced a “social cues”  component to our program. The one added to our Move More lesson just happens to emphasize the importance of surrounding oneself with physically active people. These folks added to your life’s circle need not stand on their hands, but these good friends and family do need to advocate for you increasing moving minutes whenever and wherever you possibly can for your weight management and overall health.

My circle of fitness family relatives celebrates my artistic goofiness while I teach indoor cycling classes (the YMCA); while the amazing coaches/athletes at Raleigh Crossfit challenge me constantly to build strength, flexibility and endurance in ways I never dreamed attainable at a much younger age, much less at __0 ! Please note my 2016 YMCA staff shirt worn proudly with my Raleigh Crossfit wristbands and socks alongside my Crossfit coach, Atti, who literally stood by me for weeks of attempts to complete a self-standing handstand and subsequent push-up (still a work in progress). Please embrace your attempts toward overall wellness—every move will not be a success necessarily, but each attempt at wellness propels you toward the next, even when you crash once in awhile (oh, I did plenty of crashing in my handstand push-up endeavor)!

What are you waiting for?! Really! Get out there, set your own small-step-fitness-goal and surround yourself with supportive kindred. We at Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less are proud to be a part of your fitness family and may just be Heels over Head to hear about your successes (or persistent attempts!) on this journey into better health.

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