
Top of the List: Take Care of You!

I’m feeling the pressure. Despite my plans and good effort, it’s late December, and my to-do list is missing more than a few happy check marks:

  • Get a gift for the holiday exchangeself care
  • Pick a recipe and make a dish for the holiday pot luck
  • Ship presents to my niece and nephews out west

There is much to be done, and we are literally losing daylight!

Last night as I drove home with headlights on, I faced a decision:  The gym or the to-do list.  I’m happy to report (achy arms and all) that I went to the gym.  Why?

A few weeks ago a co-worker shared some great resources on “Self-Care”. These included articles such as Decelerate to Accelerate (“the fastest way forward may be to slow down”) in the Stanford Social Innovation Review and a blog by Caroline Jordan on Myths of Self Care: How to be Nicer to Yourself Starting Now.

The timing of these important messages could not have been better. Last week cheerful laughter erupted in a team meeting as we browsed Caroline Jordan’s “100 Ways to Love Yourself”. We talked about how we can care for ourselves so we can be better on the job, at home, and beyond.

I chose the gym last night knowing that part of self-care, for me, is making time to be active. This can be a walk with a friend, a run on a trail, or a workout at the gym. It helps me clear and energize my mind, body, and spirit.

What about the to-do list?  I’m working my way through it – And I’m doing so with a more energy and enjoyment. That is the beauty of self-care. Feeling better allows you to be better for you and everyone around you.



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3 comments on “Top of the List: Take Care of You!

  1. Debra San Soucie on

    It is very hard to put the “to do list” aside. I know I try but yet it doesn’t work. I go to work every morning at 5:15 and then I get home at 9am I do my list then I then I’m heading back out the door for another school run form 2 until I get home at 6. I put dinner on the table , eat, clean up , shower and head to bed at 8:20 and my day begins again. I can’t wait for this week to be over so that I can head to the gym at 9am and not have to worry about my “to do list” at least I know there is an end to this craziness.

    • Madi Johnson on

      You are right, it is very hard to put the to-do list aside and it sounds like you have very busy days! Don’t feel discouraged if you cannot get in a whole 30 minutes or 45 minute workout, even just a brisk 10 minute walk will help. Three 10 minute walks throughout your day still counts as the recommended 30 minutes! 🙂 I hope this holiday break allows time for you to recharge and fit in a little activity, as you mentioned- a break from the craziness!


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