
Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Journeys – Shirley

Today we are so proud to introduce our guest blogger, Shirley, who shares her journey with Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less. Congratulations, Shirley!

“About six years ago I was a very different person. My health was a mess. I decided at that point that I desperately needed to be in better health. With the constant supervision of my doctors and an occasional visit to a nutritionist and a psychologist, I began my journey on what some might describe as an extreme weight loss program. A few months into my journey, my employer offered an NCSU-developed program called Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less.  I thought, “Wow, this is a Godsend…Sign me up!!” shirley

So began my love affair with the Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less program. I learned so many things as I went through my first Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less series over 5 years ago. Each lesson informs, empowers, and motivates participants to live mindfully as they make choices about eating and physical activity. The program provides opportunities for participants to track their progress and keep a journal of healthy eating and physical activity behaviors. Yes, you do an initial weigh-in and take your body measurements and a blood pressure reading. And, yes, you weigh in each session and re-do all your measurements in your final session. And, even though Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less encourages you to get a buddy that will help you with your beginning and ending measurements, you do not have to have a buddy. You record your progress in your journal and on a tracking chart seen only by the Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less instructor so s/he can encourage and direct you. But, your progress is YOUR progress and remains private.

I love Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less. I have participated in 5 series over the last 5 years with 3 different instructors. Each instructor brings the tried and tested methods along with their unique perspective. The program offers me help, hope, and accountability. Whenever I start to fall back into old habits or put on a few pounds, a new series is offered, and I’m able to attend for 15 weeks and get back on track. If you want to start your own journey to better health, I encourage you to participate in the upcoming Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less program. A lot can happen in 15 weeks. Your whole life can change!”

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